Saturday, September 10, 2011

A student's thoughts on testing

Lopez, Teresa (2011, September 10). What are we achieving in our testing [Msg 2469894]? Message posted to
Teresa Lopez, 10 September 2011 (HCD320 discussion, message ID 2469894,
Fall 2011, Discussion topic "Testing in an Online Class")

What are we achieving in our testing?
This is my first semester with online classes, so online testing is new to me.
I have taken a few tests already, and as Christina said, my teacher expected for me to use my notes/text... but there was a time limit on the test, so if I hadn't been very familiar with the material, looking it up would have been futile in getting a good grade.
It would have taken me too long to access the answers if I didn't know the material to a good extent.
The teacher also makes the students use the LockDown Browser which prevents the test taker from using the computer they are testing on to do any searches, etc.
Christina also made the good point that the tests that are done in person will eventually reveal if we are learning what we need to.
When it comes down to it... for the online part we could have a brainiac do all the work for us and we would get incredible grades.... but WHY are we taking the class in the first place?
Certainly, some of our classes are to fulfill requirements and, at least at first, are of little interest to us.  But we should realize the incredible blessing we have in being able to take ANY class and learn ANYTHING.
We are living in an incredible time and country where we are ABLE to take classes and learn.
I think that we too often forget that for THOUSANDS of years (and even now in the greater percentage of populations around the world... even some here in poor areas) people COULDN'T take classes and learn what is served to us on a "silver platter."
If we take online classes and cheat, we cheat OURSELVES out of the incredible gift of learning and growing..... and for what?
A grade on a piece of paper?
Knowledge and personal growth is SO MUCH MORE than that.
I see online testing as a HELP to ME.
It is to help me see how I am doing and to adjust my work accordingly so I can get all I can from my classes... so I can learn and grow as much as possible.
I look at tests as I look at going to the dentist.
The dentist is helping ME.
I don't want her to find any cavities (I don't want to have any),
BUT if I DO have cavities, I WANT her to find them.
If she doesn't they will only get worse, and that is worse than getting the needed filling.
Tests are there to help me too.
Would I really want to loose that help by cheating?
No, I would not.  :)

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